Andres Tali ütles Ekspressile, et talle isiklikult ei ole vastuvõetav selline üliõpilaste dilemma ette panemine. “Me lähme ära ja me ei õpeta teid enam kunagi ja teie tööd jäävad tegemata või me lähme koos ära BFM'i ning me jälle õpetame teid... Selline mõjutamine ei ole eetiline,“ ütles Tali. Tema sõnul on tõesti varem juttu olnud, et EKA animatsiooni osakond asuks Tallinna Ülikoolis, kuid mõlema kooli rektorid on otsustanud seda vestlust mitte jätkata kui hetkel mitteolulist.

Pärna kirja saatis Vabade Kunsti dekanaati üks ehmunud üliõpilane ning rektor Mart Kalm palus juristil anda kirjale õiguslik hinnang. Juristi Anne-Riin Küti hinnang on karm – ebalojaalsuse tõttu tuleb töösuhe Pärnaga koheselt lõpetada.

Tali sõnul ei tahtnud EKA juhtkond siiski nii radikaalselt käituda, vaid oli valmis töörahu säilitamiseks jätkama vähemalt kuni valimisteni või töölepingu lõppemiseni (31.august).

Tali sõnul loeti EKA nõukogu valimiskoosolekul ette katkendeid kirjast, samuti juristi seisukohad. „Tuleb arvestada, et EKA inimesed on aastate jooksul väsinud kõikidest plaanidest jagada, liita ja tükkideks tõmmata EKA kui institutsioon. See kindlasti mõjutas nõukogu liikmete arvamust ja seisukohti. EKA õppejõud on valdavas enamuses - vaatamata sellele, et vahel ollakse omavahel ka eriarvamusel - ikkagi oma kooli patrioodid. Loomulikult arutati ka muid aspekte, kuid see oli kindlasti kõige olulisem,“ sõnas Tali Ekspressile.

Piit Pärna ingliskeelne kiri tudengitele

Dear Students, Dear Friends!

Future of Animation department

In 2014 I was elected second time for five years to the position of professor in animation department. In negotiations about salary the administration of EKA offered me the minimum salary and they also refuse to hire Olga. The situation was: if I don’t sign the contract and we leave EKA our students who already study in animation department and 1st year MA students accepted to school will stay without teachers. As you know Ülo don’t have experience in tutoring. So I was in a way morally trapped. Finally they made the next proposition: I will stand down from position of the head of department and Ülo will take this position. Also for beginning the contract will be just for two years and then will be new salary negotiations. From their side they will hire Olga as 50 % dotsent (Assistant of professor).

Sorry to explain so long but it is important to understand the point.

Our negotiations took place in August 2014. 1st of January 2015 there came a new European law: all contracts with teachers should be without terms. This means that even I was elected for 5 years I have to candidate this year again.

Of course administration of EKA knew this in August 2014 but they didn’t tell this to me. It was well prepared plan how to get rid from Pärn’s. Why? Ask Andres Tali. Ask Ülo.

Also rector Kalm supported idea of new elections.

I don’t candidate anymore. There is no sense. I am sure the decision is already made. I don’t know who will be new professor and head of Animation department. May-be Ülo. Or Raivo Kelomees? In the end of December there was already attempt to put Raivo Kelomees on the position of the head of Animation department instead of Ülo during his free semester.

Some days ago dean Andres Tali wrote to Olga that from September there is no need for her. So from September Olga and I will be not any more in EKA. For us it is really sad to leave you. But we are kicked out and we will go. We will go totally. No teaching, no consulting, no tutoring.

Small hope.

During all existence of Animation department EKA refuse to accept our difference as a film department. This is one reason why I had from 2014 negotiations with BFM about transition of animation department to BFM. Year ago the decision was almost done. Then by different reasons the process stopped. Some weeks ago I contacted again BFM and they are still ready to take us. But our rector Mart Kalm refused meeting with rector of Tallinn University (BFM is a part of TU) and me.

Administration of EKA have never been interested in results of teaching. Important for them is just amount of students because this is a source for money.

And I know they are afraid of protest or demand of students.

Can we meet next Wednesday 16.03.2016 at 12 for example? In animation department.
